There are a few fundamental requirements you should be aware of and insist upon whether you choose an official child-care facility, a family daycare, or in-home care. We’ve spoken to mothers and other experts who have worked in the child-care trenches to help you make this crucial decision. Here are eight criteria to evaluate a daycare facility. child care chipping norton
- Look down.
Observe how the staff interacts with the kids when you visit a potential location. A caregiver should ideally have a child on her lap or be playing with them on the ground. Babies need close, loving relationships with adults during their formative years in order to thrive. Because of this, it’s crucial that infants and older babies receive a sufficient amount of one-on-one time even in group care, and that the first caregivers who interact with them are friendly and responsive.
- Ask for a commitment.
Babies require consistent, organized care. It aids them in developing a strong bond with their caregivers, if you’re considering hiring an in-home caregiver, ask that they commit to the position for a full year. Find out how long the current caregivers have been employed there and how much turnover the center typically experiences if you’re thinking about it.
- Do a policy check.
Find out if your parenting philosophies are similar or different on matters such as discipline (Do the caregivers use time-outs or scolding? ); television (Is the TV on all day or only occasionally, if at all? ); feeding (What snacks or drinks are provided for older babies? ); and sleeping (When are naps offered?). How can fussy infants be soothed to sleep? and so on. The sick child policy should be enquired about (what symptoms keep a child from attending?). Ask if there is a backup plan in place in case the in-home caregiver or family daycare provider becomes ill and is unable to work. The more questions you have up front, the less likely it is that you will later experience an unpleasant surprise.
- Drop by and spy.
While recommendations from other parents or reliable sources are valuable, you should visit a potential location to determine whether it will meet your needs. Of course, a child-care facility should be kept spotless, childproofed, and fully stocked with durable, age-appropriate toys and books. Other information to think about Toys with small parts (choking hazards) should be kept away from younger babies when older kids are present. Infants and babies should ideally have a separate space where older toddlers won’t “love” them excessively. At first glance, having a room or separate area solely for swings and bouncers may seem appealing, but growing babies need a lot of time on the floor to build and strengthen their muscles.
To get a feel for the daily schedule and how the staff interacts with the kids, try to visit the same centers at various times of the day if at all possible. After enrolling your child, you might want to think about dropping by unexpectedly a few times to see how things are going. Your visits may occasionally serve as a confirmation that the location is ideal for you or they may serve as a real eye-opener.
- Keep talking.
You will have to rely on what the caregiver tells you about your baby’s day until they can speak. Make sure you can talk to each other comfortably. You should inform the caregiver of your child’s sleeping habits the night before, whether he is teething, and whether he ate breakfast when you first drop him off at daycare. At the end of the day, you’ll want to know the same details, including how many diapers he used, when he napped, and whether he appeared generally content. Always choose to speak with the caregiver face-to-face. If that’s not possible, inquire as to the best time to call, perhaps during naptime.
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